Southern Network of Women Studying (SNeWS) is a network of studying women who meet over dinner.
We come together to: discuss study issues, gather and provide study and career information, receive and give support, and acknowledge and celebrate our study achievements.
We are located in the outer southern metropolitan area of South Australia.
For more information
Four women (Avril, Judy, Sue J and Sue K) got together to discuss how women who were studying could come together. We thought up the name and over dinner, decided that we could get together to discuss study issues; offer each other encouragement and support; form networks for both study and work; and to celebrate our efforts and achievements - whilst enjoying wonderful food - and SNeWS was born!!
Women MUST be studying to join, however we hope that women members who complete their studies continue as members - it is important that the networking continue and that friendships that began through the network continue as the network grows and develops.
The dinners will be held in the Southern area only, although women from ALL areas are welcome to attend. The area classed as Southern is the area south of Darlington on Main South Road, and starting from Hallet Cove on Brighton Road. There will be speakers at as many dinners as possible, however this will be determined by the number of members attending.
Dinner for the Guest Speaker will be complimentary (a thank you for their support and effort), and will be paid for by the women - please see Fees section. If there are no funds, no speakers will be invited. There will generally need to be 15-20 women to cover this cost.
We are after speakers who are women who:
* can provide information on study resources available for women;
* have studied in non-traditional study areas for women;
* have studied to post-graduate level and higher;
* have successfully entered the workforce on completion of study;
* are actively involved in women's study issues.
To ensure that the network continues, grows and develops - We will:
* provide an opportunity for women studying to meet other women studying - in a pleasant social setting;
* offer membership to any women studying;
* provide motivational women speakers on a regular basis to speak on study, career and work issues;
* offer support and encouragement to all women;
* celebrate women's study and work achievements;
* provide continuing support and membership to women who have completed study;
A network is only successful if the women involved share information, experiences and resources. It is expected that all women members will make a commitment to contribute to the network to ensure its' success. We hope that you will:
* provide details via a membership form - distribution to other members on the members list is optional;
* attend as many dinners as possible - (there are currently 3).
* Annual fee for administration/advertising is currently $5.00 per calendar year.
*A $2.00 donation is required per dinner to cover the cost of dinner for the guest speaker.
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